
Class Detail



對象:P1-F3  證書:Jinghua


P1:Vocabulary, Articles, Verb-to-be, Pronouns, Prepositions, Adjectives, Question words, Simple Present Tense, Present Continuous Tense, Comprehension …

P2:Present tenses, Gerunds, Verb-to-be, Question words, Pronouns, Prepositions, Articles, Adjectives and Adverbs, Nouns and Partitives, And / Or / But / Because, Comprehension, Writing …

P3:Simple Past Tense, Gerunds, Be / Do / Have, Question words, Pronouns, Prepositions and Phrasal verbs, Articles and Quantifiers, Adjectives and Adverbs, Connectives, Comprehension, Writing …

P4:Simple Future Tense, Gerunds and Infinitives, Be / Do / Have, Question words, Pronouns, Prepositions and Phrasal verbs, Determiners, Adjectives of Comparison, Adverbs of Frequency, Connectives, Comprehension, Writing …

P5:Present Perfect Tense, Past Continuous Tense, Gerunds and Infinitives, Question words, Prepositions and Phrasal verbs, Connectives, Modals and Auxiliary verbs, If-Clause, Comprehension, Writing …

P6:Different tenses, Connectives, Modals and Auxiliary verbs, If-Clause, Active and Passive Voice, Direct and Reported Speech, Relative Pronouns, Parts of speech, Comprehension, Writing …

F1-F3:Comprehension, Writing, Grammar, Listening, Oral, Vocabulary